Three Kid Founders of Non Profit Blankets of Love Palm Beach








Murray Guari Trial Attorneys is a proud sponsor of Blankets of Love Palm Beach. Blankets of Love Palm Beach is a 501 (c)3 non-profit whose mission is — We are kids – inspired by family and friends affected by cancer – who provide comfort and warmth to cancer patients one blanket at a time!

Here are some additional photos from their recent distributions:

Good Samaritan Hospital

Four Good Samaritan Staff Members with Blankets for Love Palm Beach Co-Founder

Three kid founders of Blankets for Love with a Staff Member at Good Samaritan Hospital.







A patient of Good Samaritan Hospital receives a blanket from Co-founder of Blankets of Love Palm Beach.

A Blanket of Love Palm Beach delivers a blanket to a Good Samaritan patient receiving treatment.









Good Samaritan Staff with Blankets of Love Palm Beach for recent patient blanket distribution.









Wellington Regional Medical Center

Three Kid Founders of Non Profit Blankets of Love Palm Beach

Blankets of Love Palm Beach Co-Founders With Hospital Staff.







A recent testimonial from a recipient:
“There were three young people that came to see me at the infusion room of Good Samaritan Hospital. Their names are lily, Mercedes and Johnny, they came to bring comfort in the form of blankets to patients receiving their infusions. It gets cold due to environment and the mediation that is kept refrigerated. They are young and caring. Each one of them has suffered losses due to cancer and they wanted to make a difference in the lives of those of us on this journey. They stayed and chatted. They were braver than most adults. It is difficult to watch the suffering, some of us look awful, deep circles under our eyes and drawn faces. Those smiles give us all hope. Their organization is Blankets of Love ( The blankets are warm and cushy. It will be my constant companion in that chair. God Bless them for stepping out of the box, putting aside their own grief and making a difference in our world.”




If you would like to make a donation, please click here.