Attorneys Jason J. Guari and Keith R. Hedrick, recently resolved a claim for our client, who was injured in a motor vehicle crash in early of 2021. She was driving in Florida when and a commercial van attempted to cross over oncoming traffic to make a turn. Unfortunately, the driver of the van pulled out directly in front our client, violated her right-of-way, and caused a violent collision with substantial property damage to both vehicles, as shown below:
Our client’s black SUV (left) & the negligent van driver’s van (right).
Our client was immediately transported by ambulance to a local emergency room. She suffered long lasting neck and low back injuries. Subsequently, she underwent neck and low back MRIs, sought Physical Therapy treatment, and extensively treated with an orthopedic doctor.
During pre-suit negotiations, the commercial insurance carrier failed to make an offer to our client to resolve her claim. It was clear that the insurance carrier for the van was not acting fairly to attempt to compensate our client for her injuries, so Mr. Guari and Mr. Hedrick filed a lawsuit. At court ordered mediation, and prior to trial, Mr. Guari and Mr. Hedrick successfully resolved this claim for $400,000.00.