The product liability attorneys of Murray Guari Trial Attorneys are investigating alleged claims of individuals who had hernia surgery where a mesh device was used, and as a result, experienced serious complications ranging from infections to organ damage.
Each year, surgeons perform approximately one million hernia repair surgeries. A hernia mesh is a screen-like surgical implant that is used to repair hernias. The hernia mesh helps support damaged tissues after hernia surgery and speeds up recovery.
Hernia surgical patients allege that several of the hernia mesh products have been defectively designed and are causing unnecessary repairs and injuries that would not have occurred if a substitute mesh product or sutures had been utilized. Mesh recipients also alleged that the mesh companies failed to warn about the potential complications.
Alleged side effects and injuries from the use of a Hernia Mesh included:
Some of the mesh products coming under scrutiny include Physiomesh, C-Qur mesh, Ventralex mesh and Kugel Mesh. Some of the manufacturers under scrutiny are Ethicon and Atrium.
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has issued recall notices for more information, which can be found here. The FDA also provide recalled product information on their website – FDA Medical Device Recall.
The defective products law firm of Murray Guari Trial Attorneys represents patients who have experienced issues or complications after hernia surgery, where a hernia mesh was used, on a contingency basis which means that there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please call toll free at 1-877-645-2974.
Please note that in some matters, we may co-counsel or refer the case to another lawyer or law firm.
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