Inattentive Worker Ploughs Into Over Elderly Woman
On February 25, 2006, 87-year-old Armenia Edwards was shopping at her regular grocery store in Boynton Beach. She was in the produce section getting tomatoes when she was negligently and violently pushed to the ground by a male employee who was in a rush and way not paying attention.
As a result of being forced to the ground, Mrs. Edwards suffered a right hip fracture, right groin pull, right knee pain, back pain and post-traumatic depression. Mrs. Edwards was taken to a local hospital were she stayed until the completed risky surgery to repair her hip was completed on March 2nd. She then was placed in an in-patient physical therapy program until March 15th. She continues to walk with a walker and/or cane and receives home health aid and ongoing therapy. She uses a wheel chair for long distances.
Mrs. Edwards can no longer play cards with friends as sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time causes her great discomfort. She finds it difficult doing normal activities such as walking up stairs, putting shoes or socks on and even sitting in a comfortable position. She has lost her ability for independent living and she lives with constant pain and discomfort.
Businesses have a responsibility to maintain, repair, and service their facility, and keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition, so that customers can move about the premises without hazard of injury. This also includes the overseeing of employee conduct though hiring, retention, training and supervision.
Attorney Jason J. Guari, successfully settled the case for Mrs. Edwards for a confidential amount to help with incurred and future medical and expenses, along with any assisted living needs.