Our 21-year-old client from Boynton Beach, Florida was a seat-belted driver of the Ford Escape (shown below) on Highway 76 West, on a solid green light, at its intersection with Highway 17 North in Towns County, Georgia when a Dodge Ram made a left turn in front of her vehicle and violated her right-of-way. The crash’s impact was very heavy, and our client’s vehicle was deemed a total loss.

A white Ford Escape with heavy damages to the front and drivers side of the vehicle Inside view of the Ford Escape after collision. Extensive damage to drivers side windows, and front windshield and airbags deployed.









Our client was initially treated at Union General Hospital and noted headaches and radiating neck pain. She reported a lack of mental clarity, difficulty with comprehension and focus and attention, and short-term memory difficulties. After the crash, her grades suffered due to her post-concussive symptoms, but cognitive therapy helped her get back to obtaining better grades. The driver of the at-fault Dodge Ram only had $100,000 in Bodily Injury (BI) auto insurance coverage. Thankfully, our client’s parents – who were Florida residents – purchased Underinsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) limits of $100,000 to cover her medical bills and her damages. We always recommend stacking UM/UIM coverage if you can!

 Insurance Dec for an automobile including coverages, limits of liability and premiums.


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