Attorney Scott C. Murray and paralegal Joshua Cadrin recently settled a PedestrianHeadshot of Attorney Scott Murray & Paralegal Josh Cadrin vs. Motor Vehicle accident case for six figure policy limits. This unfortunate incident occurred when our client was riding his battery-operated scooter on the sidewalk. As he was crossing an intersection, a vehicle, which had previously come to a stop, suddenly accelerated into our client, striking his right side and throwing his body into the air, landing in the middle of a busy roadway. As a result of this violent impact, our client sustained serious injuries to his head, neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, knees, and ankles.

At first, the insurance company denied Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits to our client, relying on public records suggesting that our client lived with a relative who owned a vehicle. After researching the issue and providing documents to the insurance company, the Murray Guari team was able to clear up the confusion and make sure our client was provided PIP benefits to help pay for his extensive medical bills.

The insurance company also claimed its insured driver was not responsible for the accident, but our investigative team uncovered evidence that the driver was looking to the left (for oncoming traffic) and never checked to the right where our client was approaching on the sidewalk. We successfully argued that had the driver simply looked both ways, she would have seen our client and could have avoided striking him with her car.

Luckily for our client, when presented with overwhelming evidence, the insurance company responded to our demand by offering the full policy limits. Because of this settlement, our client can receive the treatment he needs. Hopefully, their insured driver will pay closer attention when driving in the future to avoid another dangerous incident such as this.


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