Partner Scott Murray and Attorney Keith Hedrick recently settled a motor vehicle crash lawsuit. Our client, a restrained passenger in a sedan, was forcefully rear-ended at a red light in downtown West Palm Beach, Florida. She was immediately transported from the scene for injuries to her neck and back, as the heavy crash resulted in the vehicle being declared a total loss. After substantial, conservative medical treatment consisting of MRIs, physical therapy, and injections, our client underwent a one level, cervical fusion surgery (ACDF). Fortunately, the surgery ultimately helped resolve her pain and symptoms from the crash.

Despite clear liability, causation, and extensive medical treatment and bills, the at-fault driver’s insurance company – in presuit – offered less than our client’s outstanding medical bills to resolve her claim. With a great client and a successful surgery, the decision was made to place this claim into litigation, and hold both the negligent driver and his insurance carrier responsible. After filing suit, the insurance company tendered its policy limits for a six-figure settlement, well above what was offered in pre-litigation.
The attorneys at Murray Guari are not intimidated by the insurance companies’ tactics of deny, delay, and defend, and will fight for the best interests of our clients.