The trial attorneys at the West Palm Beach law firm of Murray Guari have been achieving exceptional results for victims of sexual assault and Harassment throughout Florida and the United States for more than 20 years of experience.
Sexual assault, harassment and abuse are crimes which can include unwanted, unwelcome, and/or non-consensual sexual jokes, cat calls, obscene phone calls, voyeurism (“Peeping Tom”), exhibitionism (“flasher”), sexual photographing or videotaping, forced touching in a sexual manner, forcing someone to engage in sexual touch, coerced and/or forced sexual intercourse, sometimes with added physical violence (beating, use of weapons, etc.)
Sexual assaults are often perpetrated in the privacy of homes or schools, and are often committed by those whom people may be close to or trust. Then the abuser often makes the victim feel guilty and the ones to blame hoping the victim will not come forward and break their silence.
Sexual abuse occurs in many forms and effects many types of victims. Parents may bring a claim on behalf of a child, or an adult may be filing a claim relating to abuse that occurred during childhood. All sexual abuse claims are sensitive in nature and require the attention of an experienced attorney. Every two and a half minutes, somewhere in the United States, someone is sexually assaulted. Approximately 1 in 4 females and 1 in 7 males are reported to have been sexually abused by the age 18.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a sexual assault and would like to learn more about your legal rights, please call our Sexual Assault Lawyers or contact us here.
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