Partner Scott Perry recently resolved a case for $250,000 in litigation for a client who was involved while in a car crash. Our client was simply driving down the road when the Defendant driver chose to ignore the rules of the road and ran a stop sign (violating our client’s right of way.) The Defendant’s negligence resulted in a forceful collision that caused our client a serious, low back injury.

Immediately after being retained, Attorney Perry and the team at Murray Guari Trial Attorneys obtained a copy of the citation and guilty plea for running the stop sign and obtained a statement from an independent witness, who corroborated the fault of the Defendant driver. Despite all this evidence, the insurance company for the Defendant driver began and then ceased negotiations and refused to return phone calls. With our client’s best interests at heart, Attorney Perry filed suit.
In both claims handling and litigation, the insurance company – through its lawyers followed the standard tactics of deny, delay, and defend, despite the overwhelming evidence that the Defendant driver was solely at fault and caused our client’s injuries. Ultimately, the matter resolved at Court Ordered Mediation.
Despite constant, friendly advertising that auto insurance companies are our friends, these companies are notorious for denying, delaying, and defending valid claims, because the longer they can avoid paying, and wear you down, the more money they can save.
If you or a loved one have been hurt in a motor vehicle crash, it is vital that you have attorneys who are willing to fight for fair and just compensation, and who are willing to file a lawsuit like Murray Guari Trial Attorneys.