Guest Columnist: David R. Lauck – District Sales Coordinator – Florida-South – American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac)

In today’s competitive marketplace, companies put a lot of energy into hiring the right employees. ConsiderableA close-up of a highly stylized compass face. The compass needle has a blue arrowhead point and is pointed upwards to the word Insurance effort goes into attracting those employees, from providing comfortable salaries and signing bonuses, to a robust and comprehensive benefit package.

What we are finding is that Major Medical is not enough. Voluntary insurance goes a long way towards meeting their needs and expectations. When those needs and expectations are met, employees are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, more engaged, more productive and less likely to look for work elsewhere.

Companies are not likely to remain successful without a top team in place. One keyway to attract and retain superior talent is by making sure benefit offerings are plentiful, competitive, and affordable. After all, the economy may be rising, but health care costs including deductibles,
co-payments, premiums and out-of-pocket expenses are outpacing wages and inflation.

In a world were hefty medical bills are not covered by health insurance, rising gas and food prices, unexpected costs can pop up at any time. Having a resilient savings account balance is vital. That is something most Americans might not have. Only 16% of Americans say they are very comfortable with their emergency savings, and 40% have less than $900 in savings. In 2021, more than 62% of Americans had to dip into the little savings they did have; and to make it worse, 25% of Americans have no emergency savings at all.

AFLAC has been the industry leader for over 60 years. Our policies help cover and bring peace of mind to more than 50 million people. Our products pay cash benefits directly to the policyholder to help protect against income and asset loss when a specific health event or life situation presents financial challenges.

Here’s why more than 200,000 companies rely on us as an option:

No Direct Costs to Your Company

Control costs while enhancing the value of your employee benefit package. AFLAC policies can be 100% employee-paid and purchased on a voluntary basis or you can contribute to cover part of the cost.

Complements Existing Benefits Packages

Workers’ Compensation and Major Medical plans may not cover the costs of everyday living expenses. Our policies pay cash benefits in the event of a covered accident or illness. We have more than 10 types of policies customized to suit all supplemental insurance needs.

Attracts and Retains Employees

Benefits have become a top priority for employees; and, brand is important to them. The benefits you offer add more value than ever before studies show constantly.

Simple Administration and Enrollment Process

AFLAC’s one-on-one enrollment experts help you achieve high participation rates. Web and call center enrollments are available for larger employers. We coordinated enrollment, education tools, and online services to make it easy for employees to understand the benefits. Guaranteed issue is available for other with pre-existing conditions. I personally help and assist with payroll deduction set-up, and claims process for every employee.

Potential Tax Savings for You and Your Employees

Some of AFLAC’s tax-advantaged plans allow employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for their policies lowering their taxable income.

Want to hear about our products, it’s only a 10-minute investment of your time!

Headshot of David R. LauckDavid R. Lauck
District Sales Coordinator –  Florida-South
American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Aflac)