By: Scott Perry

In years past, we had no phones in a car to distract people while drivingA woman texting while driving behind the wheel. Dangers of Texting & Driving: Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Now, not only can we talk on the phone while driving, but we can text or surf the internet.

This ability to multi-task when our attention should be focused on driving comes with dire consequences.  This distracted driving is not just done by teens, but by adults too.

People text and drive although it is illegal in many states (not Florida currently). Also, some studies have likened it to the same distraction as drinking and driving, or worse.

The dangers of texting come from the fact that you take your eyes and mind off the task at hand, which is driving over 3,000 lbs of metal down the road in a safe manner. This means you could fail to stop in time, you could weave lanes, or you could just crash because your mind was focused elsewhere.

Recently, the released information about the helicopter crash from 2011, that killed four people shows just how dangerous texting can be. The pilot crashed because he was sending text messages which made him not realize he did not have enough fuel to fly where he was going. This shows that the texting can affect you long after the text, even if it does not directly cause the problem or crash.

You should never text while driving. It is better to wait ten minutes to respond then never get home at all. If you have any questions about texting and driving or have been hurt by someone who was distracted on his or her phone contact a Florida auto accident lawyer to understand your rights.