Fiction v. Reality – Injuries in Car Crashes

By: Scott Perry

Anyone who watches television these days has seen a commercial A car rollover with ambulance in the background. The reality of the situation is that not every car crash involves only property damage. Every day people sustain both minor and serious injuries as a result of auto accidents.showing a car crash. Sometimes these commercials look funny, such as Allstate’s Mayhem running amok. The real notable thing, however, is the fact that no one EVER is injured in the commercial (TV ad) car crashes.

The reality of the situation is that not every car crash involves only property damage. Every day people sustain both minor and serious injuries as a result of auto accidents. Usually, the question of injuries is the very thing that is most hotly disputed in court cases and trials.

Insurance companies and the defense attorneys who represent them, look to your old medical records and to their hired doctors, to find any excuse to say that your injuries are “pre-existing” and that you were never hurt in the crash. This is done to make a jury think, we know there was a crash, but any and all pain or injuries pre-existed the crash. Many times the juries are able to see through the smoke and mirrors and provide justice to those injured in crashes.

These are the common tactics employed by insurance companies and defense attorneys. As such, it is very important that when you are injured in an auto accident, that you have a knowledgeable attorney on your side, such as those at Murray & Guari.