West Palm Beach, FL – Scott C. Murray, Esq. & Jason J. Guari, Esq. successfully resolved a complex, liability case against a commercial landowner and business tenant who, by negligently allowing overgrown foliage at the corner of their property – adjacent to an intersection, created a line of sight problem for a truck driver and a bicyclist who was on a morning ride. The Florida Traffic Homicide Report concluded that a contributing cause of the crash and the Decedent’s death were the overgrown bushes and trees.

Additional Defendants included the designer and contractor of the intersection and the Florida Department of Transportation for negligent design, construction and maintenance. The law firm also resolved a claim for Uninsured Motorists Benefits for the Estate of the Decedent/Bicyclist.

Murray Guari Trial Attorneys, PL strongly encourages the importance of you and your family having Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Automobile Coverage. An estimated one (1) in four (4) drivers either has no Bodily Injury insurance or not enough motor vehicle insurance coverage to cover a loss. UM/UIM automobile coverage is vital for your financial well being.

Jason Guari is a partner in the law firm of Murray Guari Trial Attorneys PL. The firm was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, at 1525 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 100. Mr. Guari can be contacted at (561) 366-9099. Additional information about Murray Guari Trial Attorneys PL may be obtained from the firm’s website at www.murrayguari.com.


Jason Guari, Murray Guari Trial Attorneys PL
(561) 366-9099
Angel Marotto, BARD Marketing/PR