Murray Guari Trial Attorneys, a personal injury, pedestrian accident and product liability firm in West Palm Beach, is proud to support National School Bus Safety Week, October 21-25, 2013. National School Bus Safety Week is an active and evolving public education program designed to promote school bus safety.

In the early 1990’s, the National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT), the National School Transportation Association and the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) joined forces to form the National School Bus Safety Week Committee and coordinate School Bus Safety Week activities throughout the country.

This annual event is held during the third week in October each year. National School Bus Safety Week is a way for parents, students, teachers, motorists, school bus operators, school administrators, and other interested parties to join forces and address the importance of school bus safety.

The centerpiece of National School Bus Safety Week is the National SBSW Poster Contest.

Thousands of school districts in over 40 states participate in local and state-level competitions to select art work that depicts school bus safety-related themes and encourages and promotes school bus safety. The winning posters are used to promote safer school transportation for everyone.

NAPT has provided some important tips that Kids Should Know About School Bus Safety:

  • The bus driver and others cannot see you if you are standing closer than 10 feet to the bus. Stay out of the danger zone!
  • If something falls under or near the bus, tell the driver. NEVER try to pick it up yourself!
  • While waiting for the bus, stay in a safe place away from the street.
  • When you get on or off the bus, look for the bus safety lights and make sure they are flashing.
  • Be alert to traffic. When you get on or off the bus, look left, right, left before you enter or cross the street.
  • When the driver says it is safe to cross the street, remember to CROSS IN FRONT of the bus.
  • Stay in your seat and sit quietly so that the driver is not distracted.
  • Some school buses now have seat belts. If you have seat belts on