Delay ~ Deny ~ Defend
Auto Insurance Companies’ Claims Tactics

At Murray & Guari, we fight auto insurance companies daily. An insurance agent putting money in his pocket. Learn abou auto insurance companies’ claims tactics of Delay ~ Deny ~ Defend.

We are seeing it more and more auto accident victims are being forced to file suit as their claims are frequently Delayed or Denied or Defended by powerful auto insurance companies and their lawyers and their retained medical experts who are paid millions of dollars for their testimony.

Two of the largest insurance companies in the U.S., State Farm and Allstate, over the years, have changed how they handle cases involving auto crashes. A 2007, CNN investigation found that if you were injured in a crash, these insurance companies were more likely to challenge your medical claims. They would offer you a small fraction of your expenses and hope that you would just walk away.

Auto insurance companies usually force accident victims to file suit to fight for money damages that they are owed under the law. Insurance companies frequently drag out cases for years and have worked to convince the public that this is all in the name of preventing fraud. The truth is, it’s all about profits. Insurance companies continue to make billions in profits while consumers see little in reduced premiums.

The easiest way for insurance companies to increase their profits is to reduce or chop claims. Insurance companies try to make these cases so expensive to litigate and hope that attorneys will not take them.

We fight auto insurance companies daily!

Never give a recorded statement to anyone including your insurance company without your attorney present to ensure your rights are protected. Never accept a settlement offer with an auto insurance provider without first consulting an attorney.