Tuesday’s Takeaway…..

I think everyone has been guilty of distracted driving from time to time.

With the current need to always be connected, checking a text message or opening a social media application has almost become a subconscious act – often when our brains crave stimulation. However; when this takes place behind the wheel of a vehicle it can easily lead to serious bodily injury and death.

Distracted driving an epidemic in the state of Florida and accounts for thousands of preventable deaths each year. In a recent study the state of Florida ranked #2 on the worst states for distracted drivers. In an effort to curtail this epidemic, April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Law enforcement officers around the state will be on the lookout for drivers not paying attention.

When you get behind the wheel, put your cellphone away and take a much needed break from text messages, social media and email. It will certainly be waiting for you when you get to your destination.

Murray Guari Trial Attorneys PL
(561) 366-9099