Driverless Cars
Technology is a Game Changer

While we are not in flying cars like The Jetson’s after nearly fivAn automobile dashboard and console. what is the future going to be like with roads being driver free? Will roads be safer? Will a driver’s insurance rates be reduced? Who owns the data and what are the privacy concerns? What happens if the vehicle computers systems get a virus? How much will it cost us to own these vehicles?e decades of being introduced, the auto industry has made huge leaps with the latest technological breakthroughs. Will driverless cars be a reality?

If you ask Google, the answer would be yes, Google has a fleet of self-driving cars that have so far clocked-up more than 300,000 miles without an accident, whereas if there’s a human at the wheel the average is 165,000 miles. Other major companies trying to develop and test self-navigating vehicles include Eureka, VIAC, Volkswagen, General Motors and Audi.

While driverless cars maybe some time off, many believe it is just a matter of time. In the interim, technology introductions such as a GPS, satellites, radars, sensors, maps, lasers (lidar sensors, rangefinders), video cameras and position estimators are revolutionizing and making it possible for vehicles that could drive by themselves without human assistant.

Imagine not having to worry about distracted drivers, drunk drivers, drowsy drivers or even drivers with road rage. Or imagine being able to do work on your commute to and from work.

The real question to still be realized is what is the future going to be like with roads being driver free? Will roads be safer? Will a driver’s insurance rates be reduced? Who owns the data and what are the privacy concerns? What happens if the vehicle computers systems get a virus? How much will it cost us to own these vehicles?

The bigger questions may still be is society ready for this? Are drivers ready and willing to give up control? What if you still prefer to drive the old-fashion way? Will you still be allowed that choice?

It will be interesting to see if this technology helps save lives and time. Only time will tell.

Pros of Self-Driving Cars

  • Predictability
  • Law-Abiding
  • Reduced Driver Accidents
  • No Driver Fatigue or Distractions
  • No Drinking & Driving
  • Gift of Time (Work, Read, etc.)
  • Reduced Travel Time
  • Improved Gas Mileage
  • Independence for Disabled
  • Reduced Traffic Jams

Cons of Self-Driving Cars

  • No Joy of Driving
  • No Substitute for Experience
  • No Driver Intuition
  • Possibility of Fault
  • Privacy Concerns
  • Who Controls/Owns Data
  • Risk of System Failure & Viruses
  • Impact on Insurance Rates
  • Initial High Costs
  • Overhaul of Driving Laws
  •  Job Loss