By: Scott Perry

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a form of insurance almost all Auto Accident where car crashes into backend of front vehicle. Florida Personal Injury Protection Injunction.drivers in the state of Florida are required to carry. It was designed to provide emergency medical benefits to those involved in automobile accidents, regardless of fault.

The current version of the PIP statute provides that a person injured in a motor vehicle crash must seek care for an “Emergency Medical Condition” within 14 days of the crash or her available benefits drop from $10,000 to only $2,500. This Emergency Medical Condition must be diagnosed by a specific list of medical providers, which specifically excludes chiropractors.

Recently, a Circuit Court Judge in Tallahassee granted a temporary injunction against the statute, finding the statute unconstitutional in some regards. Specifically, the Judge cited the 14 day cut off, the exclusion of chiropractors, and the exclusion of payment for massage therapists as a basis for his ruling. This ruling is, but a step in the correct direction of returning PIP law to where it was prior to January 1, 2013.

Governor Rick Scott, defended the new PIP law which makes it harder for people injured in a crash to receive the medical benefits he or she paid for in the first place in a Palm Beach Post article.

The above linked article states most people already carry Bodily Injury (BI) coverage. That is a very misleading statement. While many people do carry BI, a large number do not. Also, those who do carry BI often carry a minimal amount such at $ 10,000 or $ 25,000, which is why it is vital to carry Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) protection.

If you have any questions about how the new PIP law affects you or about automobile insurance in general, you should contact a lawyer to gain a full understanding.