Hurricane Preparation for Homeowners

Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Every A swaying palm in a storm. Here are hurricane preparation tips for should have a hurricane preparedness and response plan. Plans should include action steps addressing conditions before, during and after the storm. These plans should be reviewed, practiced and updated when necessary. There are steps in the plan to keep everyone safe, to protect your property, to keep personal information safe, and to expedite recovery after the storm.

Hurricane Watch: A hurricane watch means hurricane conditions are possible in the next 48 hours. Review your plan and be prepared to act if warning is issued.
Hurricane Warning: A hurricane warning means hurricane-force conditions are expected within 36 hours. Complete your storm preparations.

There are many supplies needed to keep your family safe and healthy as hurricanes can cut off your access to power, food and water, and even access to the roadways. That is why it is very important to be prepared. Some of the items you may need are below. For a detailed plan and additional support information visit:

Before the hurricane you should:

  • Review your insurance policy for coverage
  • Build an emergency kit
  • Assemble food and water supplies to last at least three (3) – five (5) days.
  • Secure prescription medicines
  • Prepare general supplies (batteries, blankets, key phone numbers)
  • Know hurricane evacuation routes and available shelters
  • Protect home openings with storm shutters
  • Remove and secure loose debris on the property
  • Secure and protect important documents and information
  • Have a plan for family pets

Dangers may still be present after the storm has passed. Too often people are anxious to get outside and survey the damage, but instead, could get injured by flood waters, downed power lines, unstable trees, etc. It is best to remain indoors until an official “all clear” is given. Only then can you begin damage assessment to your home and personal belongings and start needed repairs or consider filing a claim with your insurance company.

Important Resources and Contact Numbers:

National Emergency Number

Florida Div. of Emergency Mgmt.

Palm Beach County Emergency Management

Senior Helpline


Palm Beach County Red Cross

Palm Beach County Sheriffs

Florida Dept. of Financial Services