Poisoning By Prescription

By: Scott Perry

As medical science has progressed to treat diseases, we as a An open orange prescription bottle with spilled while pills. Studies have recently shown a correlated increase in the number of children poisoned by adult prescription medication and the increase in the number of adult prescriptions written.society have begun to take more prescription medications. The more prescription medications we take, the more pills that can be found in a home.

Studies have recently shown a correlated increase in the number of children poisoned by adult prescription medication and the increase in the number of adult prescriptions written. Click here to access links for information on the studies.

The studies show that some of the most common drugs that children are getting access to are diabetes medication, beta blockers, statins, and opioids. Opioids and diabetes medication can have serious adverse effects on children ingesting the medications.

While research indicates many of these ingestions are inadvertent, some older teens are intentionally taking these prescription medications for experimentation. The important thing to do, especially around small children is to make sure the child-proof lids are secured and that the medication is stored in a location out of the reach of children.

Immediately call 911 or the poison control number 1-800-222-1222 if a child has ingested adult prescription medications to find out the proper steps to protect the child.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to prescription medication incident contact a lawyer to find out about your rights.