Staying Safe Around Water

Swimming Pool & Water Park Safety

Whether using a backyard pool, community pool, hotel pool and A young girl smiling while playing in a swimming pool while wearing a life preserver. Take precautions to prevent drownings, injuries and slip-and-fall accidents.even a portable kiddie pool – it’s essential to take precautions to prevent drownings, injuries and slip-and-fall accidents.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2011 Pool and Spa Submersion Report, there were 383 deaths and 5,100 injuries annually reported from 2008-2010. Seventy-six percent of fatalities and 79% of the injuries involved children under the age of five. Most injuries and fatalities occurred at a residence with 57% attributing the incident to a lapse in adult supervision.

Seventy-seven percent of kids injured by submersion are only missing from view for five minutes or less. Don’t assume kids are safe even if they know how to swim or are using flotation devices.

To keep you and your family safe:

  • Childproof your pool by enclosing it in a fence with a self-closing and self-latching gate
  • Install safety nets, permanent pool covers and audible alarms to prevent kids or pets from falling into the pool
  • Remove all toys from the pool and pool deck to prevent kids from playing near or falling into the pool
  • Supervise your kids around the pool, even if they know how to swim
  • Swim in pools with certified lifeguards who are trained in injury prevention and emergency response
  • Have the right emergency equipment on hand (flotation devices, first aid kit, phone) and learn CPR
  • Have children who don’t know how to swim wear a Coast Guard approved life vest ?” not “floaties”
  • Take your child to swimming lessons
  • Install anti-entrapment drain covers so kids do not get trapped by drain suction
