Takata – Airbag Distributor – to Pay Millions in Penalties for Defective Airbags

Takata Corp. was hit this week as the National Highway Traffic A car airbag. Takata, an airbag distributor, to pay millions in penalties for defective airbags.Safety Administration (NHTSA) imposed $200M in civil penalties against it. Honda, one of the company’s largest clients, announced it will be seeking a new distributor to outfit future vehicles with airbag inflators.

Takata has been under fire since a NHTSA investigation revealed that the company failed to provide adequate notice of a safety related issue caused by defective airbag inflators, and in some instances, produced testing reports that contained selective, incomplete, and/or inaccurate data.  The airbag defect has been linked to 8 deaths and hundreds of injuries, caused by exploding shrapnel and over pressurized deployment of airbags in auto accidents.

The automotive recall is officially the largest in U.S. history.

According to a statement issued by NHTSA, “The orders impose the largest civil penalty in NHTSA’s history for Takata’s violations, and for the first time use NHTSA’s authority to accelerate recall repairs to millions of affected vehicles. The actions also prioritize recalls so the greatest safety risks are addressed first, and set deadlines for future recalls of other Takata inflators that use a suspect propellant unless they are proved to be safe.”

The recent Consent Decree will bolster evidence in litigation against Takata, confirming allegations that wrong doing on the part of the company has left many injured and dead.

Murray & Guari Trial Attorneys are currently accepting clients with claims against Takata and Honda. Contact us here or call 561-366-9099 today.