

Pictures While Driving (PWD)

If texting, tweeting, and even talking on the phone while driving were not enough – now we have “selfies” to worry about.

Workplace Violence

In Florida, employers and businesses have a legal duty to provide employees and guests on their property with a safe work place. They need to protect employees and guests from preventable and foreseeable violence.

Scott Murray and Jason Guari Serve on Host Committee for PBC Legal Aid Annual Fundraiser

Partners Scott Murray and Jason Guari of Murray & Guari Trial Attorneys again will serve on the Host Committee for an evening fundraiser benefiting Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County.

Prevent Drowsy Driving

In an effort to reduce the number of fatigue-related crashes and to save lives, the National Sleep Foundation ( declared November 3-10, 2013 to be Drowsy Driving Prevention Week®. This annual campaign provides public education about the under-reported risks of driving while drowsy and countermeasures to improve safety on the road.

Cruise Ship Vacation Dangers

South Florida has more than 8 million visitors to its seaports including the Port of Palm Beach, Port Everglades, and the Port of Miami.

Murray Guari Supports National School Bus Safety Week 2013

Murray & Guari Trial Attorneys, a personal injury, pedestrian accident and product liability firm in West Palm Beach, is proud to support National School Bus Safety Week, October 21-25, 2013.

Fiction v. Reality – Injuries in Car Crashes

Anyone who watches television these days has seen a commercial showing a car crash.

Traveling with Pets

A dog is man's best friend is a well-known statement, a true belief for many. As man's best friend, dogs and other pets typically go for a ride in the car.

Legal Aid Society’s 13th Annual Cup of Justice Golf Classic

Murray & Guari is a proud Team Sponsor of the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County's 13th Annual Cup of Justice Golf Classic on Monday, October 14th at Bear Lakes Country Club.

Truck Drivers Asleep At The Wheel, Untrained, Unskilled

If you are in an accident with a commercial truck, such as a semi, an eighteen-wheeler or other large freight carrier, the results can be catastrophic and often fatal